
Symbols of dreams

Planas met Andrew when abstraction century was rushed into the new century of virtual reality and the clones. By then he shared an office with José María Stampa Braun, the last giant of classical oratory and great forum and declamation. Its primary projection was overturned on the practice of law and in my essays and historical studies of the contemporary era. At that moment, the painting represented Andrés Planas leaking expansion versus mystical formalist straitjacket and rigidity of legal codes. The discussion always creative artist in her own crossroads and in your case, it was time to hang the cap and feel the full drive of the spatula and brush to shape his aesthetic ideas personalistic.

Schopenhauer in The World as Will and Representation, says that the end of art is the representation of the Idea of humanity; that is, the realization that the artist melts against its own initial timing. Idea and realization of spatial phenomenology realities environment. And above all developed in his contemplative state human factor, which causes a dual meditation, conscious and unconscious, of our inner essence. That leads us to the pictorial creation that at its best the living soul, soul exceeds intuitive reasoning will project their own individuality universal character. So Andres painting Planas, a creative and innovative, immersed in the symbolism of dreams as source and destination leisure work.